
Our lawyers strongly believe that many issues that frequently arise on construction projects can be mitigated by strong project management, with a particular emphasis on contract management. It is all too common for project issues to arise as a result of a poor understanding of the contractual obligations or otherwise failure to comply with contract administration requirements. When issues do arise on projects, they are often resolvable in a collaborative and amicable manner, but the failure to properly understand the contractual requirements and adhere to the contractual process tends to exacerbate the issue and frequently leads to unwanted disputes.




Margie Strub is able to help clients bridge the gap between what the lawyers have drafted and negotiated and the project team’s understanding of their obligations. Our lawyers are experienced in crafting and delivering training sessions (including virtually) which have proven to be highly effective in improving contractual fluency of employees and instilling much-needed contract management confidence. The training will empower your employees to:




  • Understand your contractual obligations
  • Manage your contract and subcontracts
  • Ensure contractual compliance and minimize the likelihood of avoidable margin erosion
  • Ensure appropriate documentation is prepared throughout the course of the project to best position you in the event of a claim or dispute